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Pre-Registration Questionnaire

Updated on Sunday, September 21, 2014 07:48 PM

This pre-registration form is so I can get an idea of how many people might be interested in attending.  This isn't a sign up/commitment page, just for me to get a better idea of how many people are interested.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Amy Walter-Drescher (class of '87)


Name (if applicable include maiden name):


Year(s) Attended:


Did you graduate? Year?


Day Student or Dormie (5/7? duty station?)


Known by another name?  What?



How interested are you in attending?


I’m there! Locked and Loaded (100%)


I have to get Mom's approval (75%)


There's a 50% chance of rain


I just want to be nosy (need more info)



Contact Details:






Mailing Address:




Alternate Contact Info:


Guest Name(s):




Is guest an alumnus?




Yes (provide below info)

Name (if applicable include maiden name):


Year(s) Attended:


Did you graduate? Year?


Day Student or Dormie (5/7? duty station?)


Known by another name?  What?



Interested in paying a little more to get a t-shirt, can cozy, lanyard or something else to memorialize the reunion?






Would you be staying additional nights? ($97.65/night 3 days prior or after the event)






Add any comments, questions or requests:





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